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Youth Ministries

(Middle School-High School Youth)

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Mission Statement

Provide a safe and sacred space (community) for youth to feel comfortable with one another, share their authentic selves, feel affirmed in their identity as a child of God and to explore, discover and engage in a personal and growing relationship to God.

Core Values:

  • Create an inclusive, connected, nonjudgmental and supportive space for all

  • Life lesson application to keep faith and spirituality relevant

  • Invest time to develop relationships rooted in trust and sharing of our lives

  • Find ways to involve youth to participate and share their voice in the larger ministry of the church

  • Nurture opportunities for leadership development

  • Inspire servant hearts in care and concern for the world and issues of injustice

Vision Statement

We vision a ministry for youth to be rooted in a lifelong faith that inspires purpose and meaning to their lives, empowers active participation to serve in the community and world, and is integrated into a local church ministry to be the church of the next generation.

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Join us on Sunday mornings to gather in fellowship and explore different topics through creative activities, reflections and engaging conversations in a safe space that is welcoming, inclusive and supportive. Lesson themes pull in biblical references to help guide and challenge life application to help youth discover a faith that is personal and relevant. 

Youth meet in the worship for the first 15 minutes of the service to join and begin worship as a church family before being dismissed to the youth room for their “Youth Gathering Time”


Youth are encouraged to actively participate in opportunities that develop personal growth and self-confidence. Whether it is serving or sharing in worship, involvement in intergenerational church activities, leading events, and programs for the children and/or as a leader within our collaborative youth ministries, we want to give youth the space to share their voice, gifts, and talents.
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Centenary UMC  ·  Faith UMC  ·  West Los Angeles UMC
A wordplay on the word “links” that defines a connection, chain, or relationship, LINX means…

•    LINX-finding “Connection” with one another and with God
•    LINX-Strengthening our relationships together
•    LINX-Building blocks for faith formation

“LINX” Collaborative Youth Ministry is the coming together of our 3 sister church youth groups in Los Angeles. It is our collective, collaborative, and intentional effort to revitalize youth ministry in each of our local church youth programs. 

LINX began in February 2023, and we look forward to using this model of gathering youth outside of Sundays once every 1-2 months. Come check it out! Hands on, interactive team building programs, and games, cooking meals, great discussions, yummy food, funm, fellowship worship and opportunities for service! Meetings rotate between Centenary UMC (downtown LA) Faith UMC (South Bay) and West Los Angeles UMC (Westside)

Sunday Worship


info (at)

In Person
9:30am • English
11:00am • Japanese


1913 Purdue Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90025

Office Hours: Monday – Friday
8:30 AM – 12:30 PM

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