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Social Justice & Missions Ministries

Social Justice & Missions

As an immigrant-founded and historic ethnic church, West Los Angeles UMC has a longstanding tradition of putting its faith into action. This ministry team initiates and collaborates with community groups to uplift and serve those in need of spiritual and physical nourishment and resources. West Los Angeles UMC works with or contributes to Habitat for Humanity home builds, Los Angeles Regional Food Bank drives, PATH (People Assisting the Homeless), the 580 Café/Wesley Foundation Serving UCLA pantry for food insecure college students, Sawtelle area sandwich ministry to the unhoused, school supply drive for the Sherman Indian School, blanket/sleeping bag drive for the unsheltered with Little Tokyo Service Center and Nikkei Progressives, and more. West Los Angeles UMC is in solidarity with the UMC Stand Against Racism and Stop Asian American Pacific Islander Hate.

United Women in Faith

United Women in Faith (formerly United Methodist Women) at West Los Angeles UMC is an affirming and inclusive intergenerational group that connects members of the congregation called to improve the lives of women, children, and youth and other persons at the margins through mission-focused service, self and community care, and fundraising through a bi-annual Craft Fair, baking, and Japanese food offerings. UWF’s beneficiaries include the 580 Café/Wesley Foundation Serving UCLA campus ministry and food pantry, Center for the Asian Pacific American Family (domestic violence agency), and David & Margaret Youth & Family Services. We are part of the national UWF organizational network. Click here for more information on UWF.

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Reconciling/LGBTQiA+ Affirming Ministries

West Los Angeles UMC welcomes, affirms, and involves LGBTQiA+ persons in all aspects of leadership, worship, and ministries. The Reconciling Ministries team coordinates Pride Month worship and programs in June and awareness raising opportunities throughout the year. The team involves the congregation in community events, collaborating with Okaeri: A Nikkei LGBTQ Community, API-PFLAG, and other Reconciling historic Japanese American UMC congregations to promote understanding. Recent programs include the “Faith, Hope & Courage: LGBTQiA+ Journeys” and “Becoming a Christian Ally” (Okaeri Allyship Symposium).


West Los Angeles UMC strives to be grateful and responsible stewards of God’s creation by educating the congregation about earth care, conserving natural resources, engaging in earth-friendly practices within the church, and advocating for the environment and environmental justice.

UMC Missionary Support

West Los Angeles UMC supports UMC missionaries in the field, including Hong Kong and Kobe, Japan. Deaconess and Missionary Joy Prim is a member of West Los Angeles UMC.

Sunday Worship



In Person
9:30am • English
11:00am • Japanese


1913 Purdue Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90025

Office Hours: Tuesday – Friday
8:30 AM – 12:30 PM

Office Closed on Mondays

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