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Reconciling Congregation


West Los Angeles UMC welcomes, affirms, and involves LGBTQiA+ persons in all aspects of leadership, worship, and ministries. The Reconciling Ministries team coordinates Pride Month worship and programs in June and awareness raising opportunities throughout the year. The team involves the congregation in community events, collaborating with Okaeri: A Nikkei LGBTQ Community, API-PFLAG, and other Reconciling historic Japanese American UMC congregations to promote understanding. Recent programs include the “Faith, Hope & Courage: LGBTQiA+ Journeys” and “Becoming a Christian Ally” (Okaeri Allyship Symposium).

Sunday Worship



In Person
9:30am • English
11:00am • Japanese


1913 Purdue Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90025

Office Hours: Tuesday – Friday
8:30 AM – 12:30 PM

Office Closed on Mondays

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