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God's Garden

Children's Ministry


Teach children how they should live, and they will remember it all their life.

(Proverbs 22:6. Good News Translation)

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Mission Statement

Core Values:

Vision Statement

Nurturing and guiding children to grow in the image of Jesus through teaching, experiencing, and sharing the love of Christ; to grow in faith and foster a heart for service, care and concern for others and the world. 

  • To cultivate a community where children belong and feel safe, accepted and cared for

  • Create a learning environment that is inviting, interactive and fun

  • Build relationships and fellowship with one another and the congregation

  • Connect bible learning and lessons with examples of their everyday living

  • Support children and families to grow in faith together

  • Provide opportunities to share our faith in action

We vision a vibrant children’s ministry where kids grow in faith as children of God and families strengthen their relationships with each other and the community. We hope to empower children to see with empathetic hearts and notice the needs of others. We strive to inspire involvement and commitment to continue the spiritual legacy of West Los Angeles UMC for the next generation.

We celebrate and welcome the children as a valued part of our church family!


Join us on Sundays!

Children and youth meet in the Sanctuary for the first 15 minutes every Sunday to hear a  Children’s’ message before being dismissed to go to their age level classes. This gives them an opportunity to begin worship with their family,  become comfortable in the sanctuary setting and to get to know the Pastor. The adult congregation loves to see the kids each Sunday too!


A caring and dedicated staff love to see the children each Sunday! Children meet in age level grouped classes to discuss the lesson that was first introduced in the Children’s Message. Interactive activities and crafts make learning fun! God’s Garden is for infants-5th Grade.


(KCBS) the last Sunday of each month

All children meet together in the Learning Center for a message and hands on project or craft.


  • Acolyte Class (children learn the meaning of lighting the candles) and symbolism of what they see in the Sanctuary. After completion they can rotate to light the candles in worship on Sundays!

  • Meet Your Bible Class  4th Grade students are given a bible as a gift from the church. This class is an introductory class to help them learn how to use

  • Spiritual Enrichment Classes (classes to learn more about topics that are briefly introduced in the student curriculum (ie: The Lord’s Prayer, Creation Care, Doxology)

  • Celebrating the Christian Calendar! Special Advent and Easter season activities and projects

  • Vacation Bible School

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Children are not too young to learn how to express care and compassion. Opportunities to serve teach selflessness, humility, empathy and more. Serving others is a tangible way to share our faith and God’s grace with others. Service focused activities are woven throughout the year; joining all church projects or projects they can do on their own.


We are always looking for opportunities to gather children and families in fellowship! Some of our past activities include: Halloween Trunk N Treat event, Cultural celebrations (ie: Girls Day and Children’s Day festivals) Family picnics and special interest workshops!


For more information, questions or to receive the

Children’s Newsletter, please contact the church office.

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Sunday Worship



In Person
9:30am • English
11:00am • Japanese


1913 Purdue Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90025

Office Hours: Tuesday – Friday
8:30 AM – 12:30 PM

Office Closed on Mondays

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